It’s probably become obvious that I’m not particularly into the daily-news portion of this site right now.
It might be that, after 15 years, I have reached my maximum allowable limit of words written about zoning, public meetings, ribbon cuttings, retail spaces, project delays, and expected opening dates of highly anticipated grocery stores.
It also might be that I am still in the very early stages of trying to figure out life after
last year’s neutron bomb, and am wanting to pare back on additional sources of stress wherever possible, such as this perpetual feeling that I am falling down on the JDLand job.
I have spent a year telling myself that the groove would return after the memorial service, then after the sale of the Wyoming house, then after the holidays, then after the hip surgery, then after the anniversary, but that groove has remained elusive. I think it's time to listen to that.
I hesitate to say This Is It, because I’ve said that
twice before, only to be lured back by the siren song of being the Digital Town Crier. But I’m sort of looking at it like I am promoting myself to JDLand Editor at Large. (Though I see in 2013,
when I first tried this dialing back, I called it Blogger Emeritus. Basically just read that post and change the years on it.)
If the mood strikes (like, say, when a highly anticipated grocery store opens or a professional all-star game comes to town), I’ll post, but I’m done chasing the day-to-day tidbits and news. Or, more accurately, I'm done feeling guilty about my lack of interest in posting the day-to-day tidbits and news. But follow me on
Facebook, and
Instagram, where I'll still pass things along that strike my fancy, and where I'll send up flares when there are new posts here.
I think this is for real this time. Fifteen years of always being on the lookout for news is a pretty good run, especially for a “hobby.”
I’ll always take pictures, though. And I am sure will keep maintaining the project pages, maps, sliders, and whatnot, because it's not like I won't be watching.
And I certainly won't just up and forget the mountain of minutiae I've stored in my brain about Near Capitol Ballpark River Yards since I started watching in 2003. I just don't want to pretend that I want to write about everything anymore.
Maybe the JDLand commentariat will just keep doing what it’s been doing, which is to use the comment thread on the most recent post to provide the steady stream of news tidbits that I was slow to get to.
Thanks for everything. You folks have powered me on this adventure for a lot of years. But don't be strangers--I'm not disappearing completely.
And who knows, maybe the groove will indeed return. Like when Amazon picks the neighborhood for HQ2.