Washingtonian is reporting that Thursday, Jan. 30, is the day that brings the opening of
Anchovy Social, the second Danny Meyer venture at the new
Thompson Hotel at 2nd and Tingey in the Yards.
While the "snacky, seafood-heavy menu" (which you can peruse
on the web site) is separate from Maialino Mare downstairs, it does "carry over the restaurant's Italian flare and nautical theme." And, like all Danny Meyer offerings, service is included in the check.
There is indoor space with two bars (handy for a January opening), but Washingtonian says that "the main attraction will undoubtedly be its huge wraparound patio with views of the Anacostia River."
Initial hours will be from 5 to 11 pm Tuesday-Thursday and 4 pm to midnight on Friday and Saturday. It's also available for private events.
Perhaps there will be a JDLand happy hour there, once the weather becomes a bit more hospitable (and before it gets too dang hot).