If you want to view more before-and-after photos of 909 New Jersey from additional locations,
see the Expanded Project Archive.

Left) A rendering of 909 New Jersey, now dubbed "
909 at Capitol Yards." The building has 237 rental units plus 6,000 square feet of ground-floor retail. (
Right) Completed, 2009.

Residents and neighbors who looked forlornly for more than five years at 909's large empty retail space at K Street rejoiced when word got out that restaurant Scarlet Oak would be coming in 2015. (3/26/15)
A close-up of the row of "houses" that stood on New Jersey Avenue north of K, in January 2003. These were demolished in April 2006. (1/20/03)
The same location, just over six years later. (3/21/09)
The northeast corner of 1st and K. The JPI New Jersey Avenue project takes up the entire block, except for the beige building at center, whose owner opted not to sell. The Nexus Gold Club is the black building at left. (02/07)
November 3, 2019 - The same location, with A1 Tires now dwarfed by its new neighbor.
In late 2010, an "upscale wine and spirits" store signed a lease for the retail space at New Jersey and I, and "Harry's Reserve" opened in early February 2011. (1/23/11)
Baseball fans walking down New Jersey Avenue from the Capitol South Metro station will be happy to see a new building (with a nice wide sidewalk) when they come under the freeway. (3/21/09)
The southeast corner of the 900 block of New Jersey, roughly the same view as the above rendering. (02/06)
January 12, 2020 - The same location. For a while you could see 909 New Jersey's two siblings, 70/100 I, at rear, but not anymore.
The 900 block of New Jersey Avenue, with the backside of the Nexus Gold Club at front. (05/06)
November 3, 2019 - The same location, changing the northern end of New Jersey Avenue considerably.
An overhead view similar to the above rendering of the 909 New Jersey block, in March 2006. This is looking north along New Jersey from south of K Street. (03/06)
A wider view of the same location, in March 2010, with 909 completed, and its famous neighbor to the north visible as well. (3/5/10)
Sometimes you have to get a little farther away to get a better sense of a building's profile. Here's the view from Second and K Streets, looking west-northwest, in May 2008. (5/01/08)
November 2, 2019 - The same location, showing 909's signature roofline. (It looks much larger in person at this vantage point, the camera lens is playing tricks.)
Looking south down New Jersey Avenue from the Southeast Freeway, in November 2005. (11/05)
1/10/15 - The same location, with 909 New Jersey now part of the view (and the
Park Chelsea, too).
The reverse overhead view of the under-construction 909 New Jersey, this time from across I Street, on the roof of its sibling
100 I. 909's position at the head of both New Jersey Avenue and First Street is shown nicely here. (5/22/08)
The oldest photo I have of the 909 New Jersey lot, showing the old rowhomes on New Jersey north of K in September 2000. (This was taken with an actual film camera, with film that had gone bad by the time I got it developed, hence the poor quality. Thank heavens for the digital revolution!) (09/2000)
When I went out for my first real photo trek around Near Southeast, in January 2003, I took this photo of the Nexus Gold Club at First and I. (1/20/03)
The building at First and K that now houses A1 Tires (and its neighbor, which became Mayflower Tires) wasn't always well kept. Here they are in May 2003. (03/05)