From the
Post, the end of the article first: "Mark H. Tuohey, chairman of the D.C. Sports and Entertainment Commission, said ballpark construction is proceeding on schedule. Workers have erected hundreds of concrete pilings and are shaping the clubhouses and seating bowls, with a major delivery of steel to the site -- a critical step -- set for Friday." The story itself is about how "[t]he Washington Nationals' disappointing on-field performance this season, coupled with a drop in ticket sales at 45-year-old RFK Stadium, has underscored the importance of finishing a new $611 million ballpark in time for the 2008 season." Fun quote: " 'RFK will never be more than good old RFK,' [Nationals President Stan] Kasten said. 'By the time we get the new park open in '08, it's going to [provide] the best experience you can possibly have.' "